Wednesday 6 March 2013

Target Audience Research

The title of the film is "My Life" , in our focus group we came to a conclusion on our TV show by agreeing our film which we have decided to do. the tittle we came up together because it about the main character and his problems in his life. we came up with a dilemma in which he decides whether he has to sell drugs to help his girlfriend with money or not. our target audience is the same demographic as the people from the actual programme by doing this the audience can relate to their own personal life's. overall we got positive feedback and also that they would watch our TV show     

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Existing product research

My Murder NCIS:  N -    crime, violence, knife crime, girls
                               C -    racially black mainly,
                               I  -   school uniform, hoddies, phones, bikes
                               S -   school, estates, house, roads , streets

Camera work, editing, sound and mise-en-scene analysis:

The camerawork used in My Murder is very effective as multiple camera shots are used. The wide shots show and set the location for the one-off TV show. The use of close ups and medium close ups also create a connection between the characters and the viewer. This is effective as it keeps the viewer intrigued.  Fast paced editing  is used to keep the action going, it may have also been used to show and emphasise the fast paced, dangerous life – teens of this age are living. The mis-en-scene has also been used effectively as it shows the audience the perspectives each character is seeing. The clothing the characters are wearing also emphasises and suggests the idea of a rough life with no option but violence.

Target Audience: 

The target audience for Top Boy is teenagers above the age of 14 this is due to things they include in their -programme such as crime drugs etc.

Representation of young people analysis:

The representation of young people in these programmes is stereotypically negative because they show them doing criminal things such as killing people, taking drugs and being violent people.  

General/Combination of above:

The narrative of this movie is a story about several 15 year olds and how growing up in a urban area has influenced them. Some of the characters become involved in petty crime which includes stealing. The crime begins to escalate and weapons are involved which suggest the idea of violence. A strong theme of disobedience is shown throughout the movie and the whole problem can be shown to be about drugs (cannabis) and the problems it causes. The main characters seem to be the couple “Trife” and “Alisa”, they are both presented in a negative way which resulted in the movie being criticised harshly. “Alisa” is pregnant which presents the idea of teen pregnancy as a negative thing – because of this, problems escalate into violence. The iconography of this movie is presented virtuous; the teenagers are shown to be wearing hoodies and baggy clothing. Weapons such as a baseball bat and gun have been used to emphasise the presentation of violence in this movie. The setting of this movie is in inner West London. This can be seen by the lack of respect for the environment by all characters and the flats including the gravely looked after estates. Fast paced editing has been used to show the action in the movie is quick and the characters are in an ever changing environment which is unpredictable. The target audience of this movie seems to be the same age and demographic as the characters in the movie, this may have been done to create a link between the audience and movie and also to relate the movie to the audience as much as possible. Young people are represented as people who are violent and have a rebellious nature. This can be seen by the weapons involved (baseball bat). They are also represented as aggressive and defiant; this is shown to be because of their deprived childhood and mixed income family wealth.

Friday 8 February 2013

Planning your Planning


  • My Murder
  • Top Boy 

2.  the target audience is 14+ male and female. this is due to this specific age groups can relate to the storyline that we shall reach.


  • How old are you?
  • Are you Female or Male ?
  • have you seen Top Boy?
  • have you seen My Murder?
  • What are problems teenagers are facing today? 
4. Script:
The script shall be written by Rakin Islam

production blog

1. we will be doing a TV programme due to AQA saying that in assignment one if you planed to do a film then you cannot do a film in assignment 3.
2. I plan to be working with Bilal Aziz, Vijay Sahota, Rakin Islam and me Aun Rizvi.
3. I hope to achieve a good plan and research and I hope to achieve a good production that meets my target audience by getting a questionnaire done to help me out. by doing all this I shall hopefully get a good grade in this assignment.    

Friday 18 January 2013

plan storyboard

Camera shots and Transitions  

  • establishing shot 
  • medium shot
  • close up 

On screen text

release date: 24.5.2013 
rating: 5 tar 
name of film: Short cut 
made by: A-Productions

How the main characters will be introduced?

the main characters will be introduced one by one doing a specific job in their mission also they will be shown all walking in a forest to show.

Script Dialogue

"where has he gone?
"we need to find them" 
"what and who is doing this?" 

Different places in trailer 

  • forest
  • roads
  • flats 
  • cave