Wednesday 19 December 2012

plan photo shoot

  •   friends/ maybe me 
  •  school /forest for location 
  • no make up is required and no costume is required can be school uniform 
  • I am planning to have medium shots/ medium long shots 

Friday 14 December 2012

Film Pitch

An innocent night out with friends but everything goes wrong when members get missing however when they start looking for the cause they find something unexpected. The genre of this film is Thriller. A film which is similar to this is Hostel. My target audience is teenagers from the age of 14-18 this would appeal to them because it could be something that they can associate themselves with due them being people that hang around with their friends. The main characters are friends. There are a group of friends who are chilling together and one says lets go to a party then one says I know a quicker way which goes to a forest and each one gets lost in their way and they need to discover who/what it is that is taking them away and find the missing people.    

Wednesday 12 December 2012

film ideas

- Sci-Fi
- Teen

-The Wrong Turn
Short cut
- Eliminator

The Narrative:
Their are a group of friends who are chilling together and one says lets go to a party then one says i know a quicker way which goes to a forest and each one gets lost in their way and they need to discover who/what it is that is taking them away and find the missing people.


analse 5 films


The genre of this film is one of a generic sci-fi movie.The key conventions of this trailer include the fast paced editing with the distortion transitions used often. These transitions have been used to re-emphasise the genre of this film as it has to do with science interacting with society. The music also fits well with the genre as it switches from calm and fun to cautious and scary. This fits well with the scenes as it shows the sudden change that is portrayed in the trailer. The teenagers are represented as troublesome and outgoing in this film - this is shown by the abuse of their powers.

There aren't many key conventions of this film poster. One of these key conventions include having a distinctive tagline, "Its all fun and games until everybody gets hurt". This could co-insides well with the genre as in a stereotypical there are deaths involved. Also the word "everybody" could suggest that no matter what happens "everybody" is involved and somehow linked together. Also the central image does not show the actors face as the actor is not well known. This is because the audience is targeted by having a distinctive story and not by the "star element". The representation of teenagers in this poster is shown to be violent and dangerous. They are portrayed as criminals who have no thought for society - this is similar to the typical stereotype of teenagers today.

Iron Man 2
The genre of this film is one of an action adventure. The general key conventions of an action adventure film is shown in this trailer. The trailer consists of explosions, gun fire and fighting. These have been used to express the main themes and ideas involved in this film. The fast paced editing and energetic music also further emphasises the action involved in this film through start to end. The representation of places in this film trailer are that it is set somewhere is a highly technologically evolved area in America, this may have been used to show and exaggerate how much things have changed since the past times.

The key conventions of this film poster include having the names of the actors as well as pictures of them. The actors don't make direct eye contact with the reader, but the 'iron-men' do. This may have been done to show the more important characters in the film. As well as this, the famous actor names are shown - this may be done to attract the audience for the "star quality" element and the unique storyline. The production blurb is also shown, this could mean that even though the film is a major blockbuster, it is not that well known. Finally, a different "mechanical/techno" font has been used. This has been used as the film revolves around the expansion of technology and how it used in the modern day life of a billionaire.

The genre of this film is an action film. The key conventions shown in the movie trailer support this as the trailer has very fast paced scenes. This could have been used to suggest to the viewer that the action carries on throughout the film and is non-stop. Another key convention that has been used is the release date at the end. The date has been edited in at the end as it will be the last thing the viewer saw and therefore the last thing they remembered.Women are represented slightly differently to the general stereotype shown in an action film. In this film trailer some women are represented as being higher in command than men. The head 'agent' "M" is shown to be a critical thinking, intelligent lady who is of importance. This subverts from the general stereotype of women being objects who cause hassle and are unneeded, they are also portrayed as 'eye-candy'.

The key conventions of this movie poster include the title. The title has been used in a specific grungy font which can also relate to military camouflage. This font relates to the action genre shown in the film as Bond is a government operative who is very much like a foot solider. The poster also uses a specific colour scheme consisting of whites, greys, browns and blacks. The whites and blacks could represent suits and high end London, while the browns and greys could represent the countryside. These colours have been used as the movie is set in these two main areas and this is where the main action scenes happen.

Taken 2
The genre of the movie "Taken 2" is one of a hybrid action-thriller. I think this because it was all the general conventions of an action-thriller movie. The movie trailer contains fast paced, flashing images with complementing fast paced music. It also contains explosions followed by a gunfire and blood. There is also several scenes with show a flashback of when Liam Neeson was killing other people. The weapons shown in the video also give reference to the action-thriller theme. Finally, there is a reference to hate, violence and death shown throughout the trailer.

One of the key conventions in this movie poster include the colour scheme. The colour scheme is mainly black and brown to show the dirt and grit Neeson has to go through (physcially and mentally) to find his wife. The contrast between the brown/black and the red in the title may have been used because the colour red suggests blood and killing and violence is a major theme in this movie. Another key convention is the central image, the central image is one of the famous actor who stars in the movie. The central image is also positioned near the "real visual centre to draw attention to itself. A large selection of the audience only watch the film as a great actor is in it. The film is advertised for its star actor and not much for its story line. A gun is shown in the central image, this also references to the violence involved in the movie.

Life of Pi
The genre of this film is one of a story/documentary of a person's journey throughout his life.
The key conventions of this film trailer include having soft and mellow music. This fits with the film as it is shows the journey of the person and makes the reader feel involved with the film as if he was apart of the person's life and indirectly affecting it. The representation of animals is shown differently to a stereotypical story/documentary film. In a stereotypical story, animals are shown to be opponents and obstacles in a persons life. This film subverts from this stereotype as the film advances, the animals are shown to be friendly and to be

The key conventions shown in this film poster include having a original tagline. The tag line is "Believe the Unbelievable". This tagline is a paradox as it contradicts its self, this may have been done to make the audience wonder about what is going to happen in the movie and the changes that may happen in the persons life. Another convention that is used in a specific colour scheme, the colour scheme is of a yellow/orange/white fade. These colours represent a sunset, which is often associated with happiness and a new start. This has been done as it relates to the film as the main actor is finding his roots.


 Skyfall Movie Trailer Analysis [Representation]

White males are represented in this trailer to be the heroes and the action men in this film whilst having a lead role and being the centre of attention throughout the film. This follows the general stereotype for a white male in an action-adventure film set in Britain. Bond is presented to be a patriotic hero which has all the characteristics generally associated with the title, these include: smart thinking, intelligent, hard working and slightly comical. He also lives to protect  his country and his people.

Women are represented slightly differently to the general stereotype shown in an action-adventure film. In this film trailer some women are represented as being higher in command than men. The head 'agent' "M" is shown to be a critical thinking, intelligent lady who is of importance. This subverts from the general stereotype of women being objects who cause hassle and are unneeded, they are also portrayed as 'eye-candy' and *place holders*. On the other hand, the younger multi-cultural woman shown in the trailer is presented as a helper and is lower down in the hierarchy of the agents. She is also shown to make a mistake (shooting bond off the train) which can suggest that she is unhelpful and near-useless. The men are shown to be superior in almost every way.

Villains are represented stereotypically in this film trailer. Generally, in an action-adventure film, the main villain is a foreigner, in Skyfall - it is no different. The key characteristics shown by the villain in this trailer include: evil, hateful, angry and bloodthirsty. Also, in most action-adventure films, there is a story why the villain had become the way he is, and generally it is due to torment by the opposition in his past. In Skyfall this is exactly the same. The villain is also represented to want to cause death and injury to as many people as possible. This is shown by the numerous gunshots and explosions by the villain and at the villain.

* I forgot the specific terminology used.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Role Model

Teen Drama

Minority Report Work

Minority Report shot analysis

Shot description
Shot explanation

Over-the-shoulder / medium-long shot

The over-the-shoulder angle allows a point-of-view shot from the perspective of the man reading the newspaper. The medium/long shot allows enough background to establish the location as a metro train. The over-the-shoulder shot means the following shots, with the newspaper-reading man recognising the fugitive, are easy for the audience to interpret. The concept of a fugitive on a mission to clear his name is a classic Action Adventure quest narrative, with many obstacles and challenges ahead before the main protagonist (hero Tom Cruise) can succeed.

Medium shot
 The medium shot is ONLY showing half of the characters body so there for it is a medium shot. It is used in this picture to show you the area the character is in and what he is surrounded in, in this picture the character is surrounded by lots of people that are trying to get on the ‘train’. Also the picture shows you what kind of position the character is in as you can see in this picture that character is in a escape position and looks as if he is going to be targeted.

Shot:  medium close up
The medium close up shows the subjects emotions and shows how many people there are. It also only shows a bit of the background. By the look of their helmets and some parts of their gear the audience , might notice that this film is set in the future therefore their might be some new types of equipment in the film that might interest other producers to do some of the ideas the director/producer/editor came up with to help with their movie/film. By the look of their faces some people interpret that it has to do with the man at the train station, so there might be some running and a lot of drama and action. At the back you can almost see the stairs which they descended from. Their emotion suggest they are there for business only and not for fooling around.

Establishing shot
This is and establishing shot because it shows you where the action is taking place.  This shot is a good shot to show the audience cause it shows you where most of the scene is going to be. I can tell this because if you looking the corner of the picture the character is in a running position from this you can infer that this is going to be a chasing scene.

medium close up
I called this image an ant eyed view close up because for a close up the image character or object has to be with in head to shoulder, as you can see in this image the character is placed from head to shoulder. I called this image and ‘ant eyed view’ cause that camera has taken this shot from the bottom of the characters body to make that character look strong and power full.

Establishing shot
This is a birds eye view type of shot.It looks down on a aircraft and some buildings.This sets the scene for were a bit of a fight scene will  take place.Tom cruise was looking up this establishing scene shows us why he was looking up.This aircraft may be  sort of red herring to prevent the shot from giving too much of a hint to the audience

Close up

Here he seems quite powerful due to his confidence.
He seems to have a sort of smirk on his face.He obviously knows something that they don't.He also seems very focused and maybe a bit anxious.This can seen in his body language and facial expressions.

Close up
 I think this is a close up because the camera is focussing on that characters face and the way he is feeling from his facial expression.  As you can see on the characters face it is as if he is shocked and thinking that there is no escape-need to figure out a plan on how to escape the cops

Close up

This picture shows shows the weapon to signifier that they are more “powerful” then him right now and that they should win the battle between them

Medium shot
This shows him looking down from the top of the building.This makes him look superior.this medium shot shows background in some detail while still showing tom cruises posture and body language.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Still Image Analysis

Still Image Analysis

Long shot - 
(We have used 2 long shots for the same purpose so the analysis will be the same) 
 We have used a long shot here to show both characters in love and together. The long shot also allows us to see the surroundings of the couple which are a calm and pristine area. This suggests that the couple are in love and happy together.
Medium shot -
(We have used 2 medium shots for the same purpose so the analysis will be the same) 

We have used a medium shot to show that the character is speaking without much emotion or intense concentration. We have also used this shot to show that the characters intent was to deliver information. The medium shot also allows us to see the characters body language, which in this photo suggests that he/she is calm and not stressed out. 
 Over the shoulder - This shot has been used to show that the lady is "showing off" to the man. This is also a POV shot. This shot is also used to show the conversation the two characters are involved in.
 Establishing Shot - 
We have used this shot to establish the first scene, and to show the audience where the action is taking place.
 Long shot - 
(We have used 2 long shots for the same purpose so the analysis will be the same) We have used a long shot here to show both characters in love and together. The long shot also allows us to see the surroundings of the couple which are a calm and pristine area. This suggests that the couple are in love and happy together.
 Medium shot - (We have used 2 medium shots for the same purpose so the analysis will be the same)  We have used a medium shot to show that the character is speaking without much emotion or intense concentration. We have also used this shot to show that the characters intent was to deliver information. The medium shot also allows us to see the characters body language, which in this photo suggests that he/she is calm and not stressed out.
 Medium close up - This shot has been used to show the sad tone that the character is feeling. A medium close up is used because the arms are in view. The arms also show the sadness and loneliness involved in the image.
 Over the shoulder - This shot has been used to show the man walking away from the woman. It is also a point of view shot, this has been used to express the inner thoughts and feelings of the woman. (These include sadness and sorrow)
 Dutch shot - This shot was used as it is an skew'd angle to show and emphasise the power level between the two lovers. From this shot we can see that the person on the bottom (me) is at a lower power level compared to the person above me. This suggests that I am inferior and/or less important compared to the other person.
Low angle - From this shot we can see that a low angle shot is used to show that the character is back to where it started, a sad and lonely person who is drinking them selves better. This shot also shows only the person - which suggests that all the character needs is themselves and no one else.

Fruit Bowl

We chose from a list of a geners to creat a palette. I chose 'youthful'.
Then we went on google images and found pictures of that specific gener that we chose.
After chosing that gener we eye droped the picture we chose and filled all in with different colours from the picture.

Pallet Work

Red symbolizes: action, confidence, courage, vitality

Green symbolizes: life, nature, fertility, well being

Yellow symbolizes: wisdom, joy, happiness, intellectual energy

Blue symbolizes: youth, spirituality, truth, peace

Purple symbolizes: Royalty, magic, mystery

Orange symbolizes: vitality with endurance

Wednesday 19 September 2012

camera movement

Tracking Shot-           A movie shot made by a camera moving steadily on a track or dolly.
 Crab-A less-common term for tracking or trucking.
Dolly-The camera is mounted on a cart which travels along tracks for a very smooth movement. Also known as a tracking shot or trucking shot.
Dolly Zoom-A technique in which the camera moves closer or further from the subject while simultaneously adjusting the zoom angle to keep the subject the same size in the frame.
Follow-The camera physically follows the subject at a more or less constant distance.
Pan-Horizontal movement, left and right.
Pedestal (Ped)-Moving the camera position vertically with respect to the subject.
Tilt-Vertical movement of the camera angle, i.e. pointing the camera up and down (as opposed to moving the whole camera up and down).
Track-Roughly synonymous with the dolly shot, but often defined more specifically as movement which stays a constant distance from the action, especially side-to-side movement.
Truck-Another term for tracking or dollying.
Zoom-Technically this isn't a camera move, but a change in the lens focal length with gives the illusion of moving the camera closer or further away.

my work from last week

I think we did good but i also believe we could of done much more in our work but i think it was overall good.

why i choose media

I choose media because it something which fascinates me because of the way they present certain things to its audience and also i thought would be easy to do. i hope achieve good grades and to understand why things are presented in the way they are in the media.

media camara work

Establishing Shot-   is usually the first shot of a new scene, designed to show the audience where the action is taking place. It is usually a very wide shot or extreme wide shot.
Long Shot A photograph or a film or television shot in which the subject is shown at a relatively small scale.
Medium Shot- In photography, film, or videotape production, shot where the subject and background share equal dominance in the picture. A medium shot of an individual will take in the body from the knees or waist up.
Close Up- A photograph or a film or television shot in which the subject is tightly framed and shown at a relatively large scale.
Extreme Close Up- A picture taken at extremely close range; for example, an extreme close-up of a face might show only an eye.
Over-The-Shoulder Shot In film, a shot that gives us a character's point of view but that includes part of that character's shoulder or the side of the head in the shot.
High Angle ShotIn film, a high angle shot is usually when the camera angle is located above the eye-line.
Low Angle Shot-  A shot taken with the camera placed in a position below and pointing upward at the subject.